In the light of current legislative projects in the field of critical infrastructure in Germany and Europe, Pauline Riousset and Jan-Henning Hansen invite you to take a closer look at the trends in the digitalisation of the water industry. (Article currently only available in German)
Health data is a sensitive good. The TAB report "Data Mining" provides comprehensive information on the possibilities, protective measures and limits of the use of data stocks for the parliamentary deliberations on the "offensive for the use of health data" at EU and national level and for the development of socially acceptable solutions. (Article currently only in German)
On 17 October 2022, members of parliament and scientists met for the international EPTA conference in Berlin to discuss the political and social handling of disruptions and the role of TA for parliament.
A report from the "Crisis Radar" project, which examines how a continuous forward-looking crisis radar should be designed and institutionally anchored in order to enable timely crisis and risk management. (Article currently only in German)