Future-proofing critical infrastructures

  • Type of event:


  • Venue:

    Deutscher Bundestag, Paul-Löbe-Haus, Sitzungssaal E 200

  • Date:


  • Organiser:

    TAB und Ausschuss für Bildung, Forschung und Technikfolgenabschätzung des Deutschen Bundestages

  • Time:

    16:00 bis 17:00 Uhr

  • Target group:

    Ausschuss für Klimaschutz und Energie, Ausschuss für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft, Verkehrsausschuss, Parlamentarischer Beirat für nachhaltige Entwicklung

Future-proofing critical infrastructures

Presentation and discussion of the Foresight Report 2024 on infrastructure systems for energy, agriculture and food as well as transport and mobility

What was it all about?

Blick in den Ausschusssaal im Paul-Löbe-Haus Büro Gehring
Workshop discussion on the Foresight Report 2024

Future-oriented policymaking is increasingly confronted with crisis-ridden, disruptive developments. TAB's foresight activities, which have been expanded with the Resilience Radar and the Resilience Check on behalf of the German Bundestag, are intended to help make important infrastructure systems more resilient.

The Foresight Report is published annually and summarizes the results of the Resilience Radar. It identifies TA-relevant developments for critical infrastructure systems and assesses systemic risks and conceivable threat situations.

The first Foresight Report deals with the infrastructure systems of energy, agriculture and food as well as transport and mobility. It was published in May 2024 on the microsite foresight.tab-beim-bundestag.de

The results of the Foresight Report 2024 were presented at the workshop meeting, after which there was an opportunity for discussion and questions. One focus of the discussion related to the agricultural and food infrastructure system, whose focus topic of water management in agriculture was selected as the focus for this year's resilience check.


16:00-16:05Opening, Kai Gehring (Chairman of the Committee on Education, Research and Technology Assessment)
16:05-16.10Thematic introduction, Prof. Dr. Armin Grunwald
(Head of the TAB)

Part 1: Presentation of the results of the Foresight Report 2024

Current trends and systemic risks to the infrastructure systems of energy, agriculture and food as well as transport and mobility

Michaela Evers-Wölk, Dr. Roland Nolte, Dr. Pauline Riousset,
Dr. Christoph Kehl
(Resilience Radar project team)

Part 2: Discussion on foresight activities

Moderated discussion

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Armin Grunwald

