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Cover TAB-Fokus no. 48: Gene DrivesGene drives: Opportunities and risks of a technology to spread desired traits in populations

A new TAB report provides a comprehensive overview of the state of development, potential applications, safety and regulatory issues of gene drive systems.

MorePublication | 21.03.2025
Logo HorizonScanning des TABFrom all-electric air taxis to bioprint-based medical technology and AI-based human-machine interaction

New topic briefs from horizon scanning provide a concise overview of the opportunities and risks of new technologies and concepts, and stimulate future research and innovation.

MorePublication | 13.03.2025
Cover TA-Kompakt Nr. 2Here to Stay? Hybrid forms of work and their social implications

New study sheds light on the prevalence, acceptance, development prospects and consequences of hybrid forms of work in Germany

MorePublication | 30.01.2025
Teaserbild Cover TA-Kompakt Nr. 1: Auf dem Weg zu einem möglichen Kernfusionskraftwerk. Nuclear fusion: progress and challenges towards a possible power plant

A new TA compact study discusses not only technical feasibility, but also economic, environmental and social aspects, and identifies knowledge gaps and research needs.

MorePublication | 09.01.2025