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Teaserbild Cover TAB-Fokus no. 46: Near-natural forest conversion in times of climate changeStrategies for more resilient and productive forests in times of climate change

A new TAB report sheds light on the challenges and opportunities of near-natural forest conversion in Germany – from ecological principles to innovative technologies and funding models

More25.11.2025 | Publication
Cover EPTA Report 2024 AI and democracy Summary and country report GermanyArtificial intelligence and democracy

The EPTA Report 2024 looks at how AI affects elections and public debate, how it is used in parliaments and how to control it. 

More19.11.2024 | Publication
Detail of NTA-11 conference logo with Brandenburg Gate and Berlin Cathedral silhouette. Anniversary 20 years NTAWhat are the skills needed in policy advice today?

From 18 to 20 November in Berlin, experts in the field of technology assessment will discuss how advice can be made transparent, independent and efficient in times of AI and social upheaval.

More15.11.2024 | Event
ts-fokus-47How to strengthen cyber resilience in the food sector

Companies in the food chain have become more vulnerable.New TAB study examines the IT risk situation in the food sector and outlines options for cybersecurity policy design.

MoreNews | 10.10.2024
TAB logoNew projects for 2024/2025 - once again "at the pulse of time"

The Committee for Education, Research and Technology Assessment of the German Bundestag has decided on TAB's work programme for 2024/2025. Security policy issues are given high priority.

More12.07.2024 | Topics and projects
Titelcollage der Themenkurzprofile aus dem Horizon-Scanning Weltraumbahnhof, KI und Krebs, KI und Fußball, KI und KreativwirtschaftFrom the risks and rewards of a German spaceport to artificial intelligence in medicine, creative industries and football

New topic briefs from horizon scanning provide a concise overview of the opportunities and risks of new technologies and concepts, and stimulate future research and innovation.

More05.07.2024 | Publications
Coverbild: TAB-Fokus no., 45 Crisis radar - strengthening the resilience of society, politics and the economy by means of crisis predictionStrengthening social, political and economic resilience through better crisis prevention

Policy makers are increasingly called upon to prepare for possible future systemic crises. A new TAB study identifies options for better early warning and preventive resilience policies.

More26.06.2024 | Publication
Coverausschnitt TKP Nr. 72. Big Datata und KI im FußballBig data and AI in football

Big data and artificial intelligence are now shaping professional football. In our short profile No. 72 on the EURO24, we look at the changes and potential that this 'data revolution' brings for players, scouts, coaches and spectators.

More14.06.2024 | Publication
Screenshot der Microsite Foresight-Report 2024 - Ergebnisse der Analysen aus dem Resilienzradar. Future-proofing critical infrastructure – first Foresight Report published

The 2024 Foresight Report identifies trends and systemic risks for the critical infrastructure systems of energy, agriculture and food, and transport and mobility. The findings are available from today on our new microsite.

More11.06.2024 | Publikation
Teaserbild Cover TAB-Arbeitsbericht Nr. 211Transformation to climate-neutral industrial production in Germany appears technically feasible

Using the example of the three most emission-intensive primary industries, a new TAB study identifies alternative technology paths and industrial and research policy options for a sustainable transformation.

More28.05.2024 | Publications
Teaserbild Cover TAB-Kurzstudie Innovative Antriebe und Kraftsfoffe für einen klimaverträglicheren LuftverkehrInnovative engines and fuels for more climate-friendly air transport

The new study provides an overview of areas of technological innovation that can contribute to a more climate-friendly aviation. It also outlines measures that play an important role in the future of climate-neutral aviation.

More08.05.2024 | Publication
Teaserbild TAB-Arbeitsbericht Nr. 208:  Komplexe Systeme - Nutzen oder LastComplex systems – benefit or burden?

How does increasing complexity affect the vulnerability of critical infrastructure? A new TA preliminary study discusses why and how an in-depth examination of the complexity of our energy system can help make our critical infrastructure more resilient.

More26.03.2024 | Publikation
Cover Tätigkeitsbericht 2023A new impetus for parliamentary technology assessment

With the presentation of the Activity Report 2023 to the Committee for Education, Research and Technology Assessment, Armin Grunwald presented innovations and extensions of TA in the German Bundestag for the new mandate period.

More26.03.2024 | Event and Publication
Cover: TAB-Fokus no.44: Strategies and instruments  for improving the use of recycled matierialsHow to improve the use of recycled materials in Germany

Only a small part of the German economy's demand for raw materials is covered by recycled materials. Using plastic packaging, electrical appliances and building materials as examples, the TAB report highlights the requirements for increased use of recycled materials and identifies policy options. 

More07.03.2024 | Publication
View of Wendelstein 7x, the stellarator fusion device in GreifswaldStudy launch: Knowledge gaps and research needs on the way to a fusion power plant

Recent advances in plasma physics have raised hopes of a new era in energy production. In addition to technological issues, the focus is on the economic, environmental and social aspects of potential fusion power plants.

More05.12.2023 | Projects
Cover TAB-Fokus no. 41: Opportunities and risks of the digitisation of critical municipal infrastructures using water and waste management as examplesThe digital future of critical municipal infrastructures

A new TAB report examines the use of digital solutions in water and waste management and identifies ways in which the potential of digitalisation can be exploited in a sustainable way, while at the same time ensuring security of supply and disposal. The corresponding Policy brief is now available in English.

More17.11.2023 | Publication
Plakat der EPTA-Konferenz 2023: Generative Artificial Intelligence. Opportunities, Risks and Policy Challenges, 9. Oktober in BarcelonaInternational Conference on opportunities and risks of generative artificial intelligence

This year's conference of the European Parliamentary Technology Assessment Network (EPTA) for scientists and MPs in Barcelona on 9 October focused on the challenges that generative AI poses to policymakers, civil society and regulators. 

More06.10.2023/11.10.2023 | Event
Cover der TAB-Kurzstudie Nr. 5. E-Voting – alternative Wahlformen und ihre Absicherung E-voting - status quo and future prospects in Germany

A new short study on Internet voting provides an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of this new form of voting compared to ballot box and postal voting. The analysis includes three case studies on Estonia, Switzerland and Norway.

More29.09.2023 | Publication
Cover-TKP-64-68 CollageFrom the 'bicycle revolution' to hypersonic weapons and space-based power generation

New topic profiles from horizon scanning provide a concise overview of the opportunities and risks of new technologies and concepts, and stimulate future research and innovation.

More04.09.2023 | Publication
Portrait of Herbert Paschen while giving a speech A pioneer of TA: on the occasion of the 90th birthday of Herbert Paschen

The economist Herbert Paschen founded technology assessment in Karlsruhe and also paved the way for TA for the German Bundestag. An appreciation of the founding director of TAB by Armin Grunwald.

More19.07.2023 | TAB
Cover TAB-Fokus no 43: Bacteriophages in medicine, agriculture and food industry – application perspectives, innovation and regulatory issues.Bacteriophages offer opportunities in the fight against multi-resistant pathogens

Bacteriophages are viruses that can specifically attack and destroy certain bacteria. A new TAB report provides a comprehensive overview of the applications and innovation potential of bacteriophages in medicine, agriculture and food management, and identifies options for their wider use. The corresponding Policy brief is now available in English.

More05.09.2023 | Publication
Logo TABTAB ready for the next 5 years

At its meeting on 21 June 2023, the Committee for Education, Research and Technology Assessment of the German Bundestag unanimously decided to entrust the Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology with the operation of TAB until 2028.


More21.06.2023 | TAB
Cover Kurzstudie Nr. 4: Sustainable CoolingSustainable Cooling in Germany: Status quo and future perspectives

Sustainable cooling is a complex task that requires cooperation between politics, society, industry and science. The TAB study highlights the interaction between climate change and cooling demand and shows how sustainable technological and non-technological innovations and cooling strategies can look like.

More22.05.2023 | Publication
coverteaser TAB-HP-26-ChatGptStudy on ChatGPT for the German Bundestag

The application potential and possible societal impact of large-scale computer models for language processing will be the focus of an expert discussion during the public deliberation of the Education Committee on 26 April.

More24.04.2023 | Publication and event
Cover: AB Nr. 196 HF-EMFOn the state of knowledge on health risks of electromagnetic fields

A new report provides a comprehensive factual basis for policy-making as well as options for a socially sustainable approach to the health and technology issue of mobile radiation. Key findings available in English.

More21.03.2023 | Publication
Cover TAB-Fokus no. 40: Data miningData mining – sociopolitical and legal challenges

Using examples from medicine and healthcare, the report provides comprehensive information to inform policy discussions and the design of complex data analytics for the benefit of individuals and society. The corresponding Policy Brief is now available in English.

More15.03.2023/02.05.2023 | Publication
Cover HP-23: Der gesellschaftliche Umgang mit Nichtwissen bei wissenschaftlichen explorativen ExperimentenDealing with ignorance as a societal challenge

A new report addresses issues of good governance in exploratory experiments using the three research areas of green genetic engineering, fracking and ocean fertilisation with iron as examples.

More14.03.2023 | Publication
Cover-TKP-58-63: Greening buildings, fighting forest fires, deep-sea mining, cell culture-based meat production, metaverseFrom the green house to the deep sea to the virtual world

The new topic briefs from horizon scanning provide a concise overview of the opportunities and risks of new technologies and concepts, and give impetus for future research and innovation.

More01.03.2023 | Publications
On a black keyboard at the bottom of the picture lies an open book, above which float red words in the form of labels, above which floats the letter A. (detail)Study launched on the impact of ChatGPT and comparable systems

The focus of the study for the German Bundestag is on educational processes in schools, universities, and vocational education and training.

More13.02.2023 | Topics and projects
TAB report 197 Pflanzenzüchtung - plant breedingPlant breeding as a central element of a sustainable and future-oriented agriculture

New TAB report provides an overview of tasks and challenges of a diverse plant breeding that promotes diversity.

More23.01.2023 | Publication
Cover TAB-Kurzstudie Nr. 3 Urbaner HolzbauUrban timber construction in Germany: Status quo and future prospects.

The TAB short study analyses promoting and inhibiting factors in the various spheres of influence: Society, economy, technology, politics and law, and environment.

More12.01.2023 | Publication
Cover TAB-Fokus no. 42What significance do the algorithmic systems of the major online platforms have for opinion formation?

A new TAB report on the influence of algorithms in digital media explains contexts, highlights challenges, scientific findings and the legal framework.

More22.12.2022 | Publication
Bilder, die von DALL-E2 auf den Prompt "How would an AI in the year 2022 look like in the style of 1930s technology visions?" hin generiert wurden.Chatting with the biggest potential technology? Encounters with AI in 2022

Even though other topics were in the foreground in 2022, the topic of artificial intelligence accompanied the technology assessment throughout the year. A report on interactive encounters with and lasting impressions of AI systems.(Article currently only in German)

Cover-TAB-AB-190_BeobachtungstechnologienMore civil security through observation technologies?

A new TAB report offers a sound factual basis for political opinion-forming and shaping options for a target-oriented and socially viable approach to observation technologies in the area of civil security. The corresponding Policy Brief is now available.

Mehr15,12.2022 | Publication
CoverTAB-Fokus no. 35. Energy consumption of ICT infrastructureIncreasing resource and energy consumption of ICT infrastructures must not slip out of the focus

A new TAB report analyses energy consumption scenarios of ICT infrastructures and identifies realistic savings potentials, taking into account the digitisation push triggered by the COVID 19 pandemic.

Mehr17.10.2022 | Publication
Impression während der keynote der EPTA-Konferenz 2022, disruption, Rohwer, Becker, Elsberg, Gehring, Prehn (vlnr)Technology assessment in times of multiple crises – more important than ever. A conference report

On 17 October 2022, members of parliament and scientists met for the international EPTA conference in Berlin to discuss the political and social handling of disruptions and the role of TA for parliament.

More25.10.2022 | Event | TABlog
Cover TAB-Arbeitsbericht Nr. 201: Künstliche Intelligenz und Distributed-Ledger-Technologien in der öffentlichen VerwaltungWhat are the benefits and how far are AI and DLT applications in public administration?

Against the background of international practical examples, a new TAB report and policy brief show perspectives for the successful digitisation of administration in Germany. 

Mehr25.10.2022 | Publikation
Plakat: EPTA Conference 2022: Disruption in society – TA to the rescue?EPTA Conference and Report 2022: Disruption in society – TA to the rescue?

The societal as well as technological dimension of so-called disruptions is the topic of the EPTA Conference on 17.10.2022 in Berlin and the new EPTA Report 2022.

More14.10.2022 | Event and Publication
Cover TAB-Fokus no. 36 Innovative technologies, processes and products in the construction industryInnovations for a more efficient construction industry

A new TAB report analyses relevant trends with regard to technology, product and process innovations in the construction industry in Germany and identifies fields of action for fundamental structural change. The corresponding Policy Brief is now available in English.

More27.09.2022 | Publication
Titelbilder TKP 55-58: Maritime Landwirtschaft, urbane Seilbanen, innovative Schiffbaukonzepte, föderales Lernen (Collage)On potentials of maritime agriculture, urban cable cars, sustainable shipbuilding concepts and federal machine learning

New topic briefs from horizon scanning offer compact answers to current questions and impulses for future research and innovations.

More31.08.2022 | Publication
TAB-Logo New projects for 2022/2023

Following the adoption of the new TAB work programme, yesterday's meeting of the Committee on Education, Research and Technology Assessment focused on the topic of "Genome Editing in Humans".

More07.07.2022 | TAB
Cover TAB-Kurzstudie Nr. 2 (Ausschnitt): Welt ohne Bargeld - Veränderungen der klassischen Banken und BezahlsystemeWorld without cash?

TAB report on changes in traditional banking and payment systems and changes in its power structure provides an overview of developments in the payment traffic and changes in its power structure. 

More05.7.2022 | Publication
Projektbild: Haus mit Energieeffizienzlabel von A (dunkelgrün) bis G (Rot)How to save energy, emissions and money in the building sector

The TAB report on energy saving effects in the building sector shows what property owners can do to save resources and money and how the state can help them. Policy brief TAB-Fokus is available in English.

More23.06.2022 | Publication
Cover TAB--Sensor-5: Wie schätzen Bürger/innen die Coronapandemie und ihre Folgen ein? Ergebnisse einer RepräsentativbefragungHow do citizens assess the corona pandemic and its consequences?

The results of a population-representative survey on this question are the focus of the fifth issue of the TAB-Sensor.

More15.06.2022 | Publication
Teaser of the method report's  cover  with a symbolic circle of cooperationParticipatory TA procedures for the Bundestag

New methods report presents innovative participation procedures and discusses their potential benefits for parliamentary Technology Assessment.

More13.05.2022 | Publication
dr Volker Oeppling, Prof. Dr. Francine Ntoumi, Prof. Dr. Benjamin Mordmueller, Prof. Dr. Ernest Wimmer, Dr. Katrin Gerlinger and Dr. Marc Bovenschulte (from left to right) as part of a panel discussion to kick off the new series of events -TA in dialogue-"TA in Dialogue" on World Malaria Day

On the occasion of World Malaria Day, technological approaches to combating malaria were the focus of a moderated panel discussion on 25 April 2022 as the start of the new event series "TA in dialogue" in the German Bundestag.

More02.05.2022 | Event
TAB-Briefe through the agesWelcome to the new TAB-Brief – our first newsletter in English

After 30 years we will offer the TAB-Brief with information on TA at the German Bundestag as a compact digital newsletter in Englisch for subscription. We look forward to many (new) readers.

More27.04.2022 | TAB-Brief
politik und wissenschaft im Dialog . die digitale gesellschaft von morgen gestalten. #EPTA2022Shaping tomorrow's digital society

As part of a dialogue event between scientists from the Rathenau Institute and the TAB with members of the German Bundestag, the EPTA presidency 2022 was handed over from the Netherlands to Germany.

More25.03.2022 | Event
Cover Themenkurzprofile 50-54, UVc, e-fuels, luftverkehr, bioplastik, ki-dialogsystemeNew topic briefs from Horizon scanning

How does UV-C light contribute to pandemic control? How are bio-based plastics produced? What role do sustainable fuels and engines play for clean aviation? Is AI becoming our constant interlocutor and is art now digital too? Or are NFTs just hype?

More09.03.2022 | Publication
Sensoricons auf Feld - Symbolbild Digitalisierung in der LandwirtschaftOn the way to a digitally integrated agriculture?

In two newly published reports TAB sheds light on development trends in digital agricultural technologies and analyses the opportunities and risks of a systemically integrated agriculture. The corresponding Policy Briefs are now available in English.

More16.02.2022 | Publication
wie bewerten bürger/innen telemedizinHow do citizens evaluate telemedicine?

The fourth issue of the TAB-Sensor is dedicated to the topic of telemedicine and focuses on population-representative assessments of the use and potential benefits of telemedicine services.

More25.01.2022 | Publication
symbolbild genschere, genome editing am menschenHuman genome editing - Hopes or Hubris?

A new TAB report gives an overview of potential applications of human genome editing, ethical and regulatory aspects are discussed. The corresponding Policy Brief is now available in English.

More14.12.2021 | Publication
ventilator sustainable coolingSustainable Cooling

The new brief study provides an overview of which innovative cooling technologies and concepts are efficient, low-emission and at the same time affordable for broad sections of the population in Germany and worldwide.

More22.11.2020 | Topics and projects
Cover EPTA Report 2021 lessons from Vovid-19 pandemicWhat can politics and society learn from the COVID-19 pandemic?

The new report of the Network of European Parliamentary TA Agencies (EPTA), presented at the annual EPTA conference on 9 November2021  in The Hague, Netherland, highlights important issues for the political agenda

More27.10.2021 | Conference and Publication
TAB-Tätigkeitsbericht 2020Activity report 2020

The activity report 2020 documents our broad spectrum of activities despite pandemic-related restrictions. The compact review of activities and research results in 2020 is available online (in German).

Download23.09.2021 | Publication
AB 188 Fokus 27 Nachhaltigkeitsbewerung landwirtschaftlicher SystemePaving the way for a sustainability assessment of agricultural systems

Which type of land management is most sustainable ecologically, socially and economically? TAB report examines the possibilities of a comparative sustainability assessment of agricultural systems and shows the need for action for the (further) development of a more differentiated assessment. 

More23.06.2021 | Publication
horizon-scanning themenkurzprofileNew topic briefs from Horizon scanning

What will the toilet of the future look like? What added value does the digitization of cultural assets offer? What contribution can technologies make against food waste? Can AI recognize emotions and is the Hyperloop just hype? Our five new topic briefs provide compact answers to these questions.

More22.06.2021 | Publication
TAB-LogoNew projects for 2021/2022

The German Bundestag has approved the further work programme of the Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag.

More12.05.2021 | TAB
logo horizon scanningNew topic briefs from Horizon scanning

The corona pandemic poses major challenges for all sectors of society. Four new thematic short profiles from Horizon Scanning provide condensed information on current issues and impulses for pandemic times and beyond.

More17.03.2021 | Publication
Cover: Kurzstudie Nr. 1 und Fokus Nr. 29New Space - new dynamics in space travel

Commercial players are creating a momentum of innovation in space exploration by developing new technologies and business models. Our Short Study no. 1 and policy brief TAB-Fokus no. 29 provide an overview of current developments and future prospects for German space research and industry, taking particular account of new development and start-up dynamics.

More25.02.2021 | Publication
TAB-Brief Nr. 51: 30 Jahre TAB30 years of TAB - Contributions to forward-looking and precautionary policy-making

TAB-Brief no. 51 explores the questions of how forward-looking the analyses were, what constitutes the special value of the investigations and what perspectives new technologies open up for the work of parliamentary technology assessment.

More26.01.2021 | TAB-Brief
Hintergrundpapier 24: Mögliche Diskriminierung durch Algorithmen und maschinelles LernenDiscrimination by algorithms and what to do about it

TAB report explores the question of whether algorithmic decision-making systems make (un)fairer decisions than humans and what can be done to prevent algorithm-based discrimination.

More24.11.2020 | Publication
TAB-Sensor 3: Wer kennt und nutzt Petionen an den Deutschen BundestagWho knows and uses petitions to the German Bundestag?

TAB Sensor no. 3 approaches these core questions from the perspective of Internet users resident in Germany and also asks about the use of extra-parliamentary petition and campaign portals.

More19.11.2020 | Publication
autonomous weapon systemsPublic Expert Discussion »Autonomous Weapon Systems«

On the occasion of the new TAB study, a public expert discussion took place in the German Bundestag on November 4, 2020 on technical and ethical aspects as well as on international policy issues in the context of autonomous weapons systems.

More05.11.2020 | Event
Themenkurzprofile 35-40New topic briefs from Horizon scanning

Six new topic briefs provide condensed information on current scientific and technological trends and socio-economic developments in early stages of development, including technologies for more sustainable material cycles and the use of artificially intelligent assistants in the world of work.

More20.08.2020 | Publication
Cover Tätigkeitsbericht 2019Activity report 2019

The compact review of activities and research results in 2019 is available online.

More18.08.2020 | Publication
light pollution seen from spaceCauses, extent and effects of light pollution

TAB's policy brief in TAB-Fokus no. 25 summarises the scientific state of knowledge with regard to the extent and trends of light pollution and its effects on humans, animals and plants, and presents regulatory and technological options for action to protect against light emissions.

More22.07.2020 | Publication
Welt ohne bargeld geldscheineWorld without cash?

The interim results of the brief study »World without Cash« on current trends and developments in the payment traffic ecosystem was discussed with experts at a public expert meeting in Parliament on 18 June 2021.

More18.06.2020 | Event
legal techLegal Tech - Potentials and effects of technology-based legal advice

The recently published TAB report and policy brief in English provide an overview of legal tech applicationsand its potential. It also discusses which legal aspects of consumer and data protection are affected by legal tech offerings and points out the need for political action.

More16.04.2020 | Publication
Bundestag ohne MenschenPolicy advice in Corona times

Even under the current conditions, the TAB team is working intensively together with its consortium partners. Short-term or even day-to-day issues are not provided for in TAB's commissioning modalities, but future work will certainly take up questions resulting from the current exceptional situation.

More 27.03.2020 | TAB
TAB im ABFTAPresentation of TAB activities in the Bundestag

In the Committee on Education, Research and Technology Assessment, Prof. Dr. Armin Grunwald explained the diverse projects and products of TAB in the current legislative period, highlighting the increasing recognition of technology assessment - in more and more European parliaments as well as in relevant scientific circles.

More 04.03.2020 | Event
AB 185: Arzneimittelrückstände in Trinkwasser und GewässernPharmaceutical residues in drinking water and water bodies

Against the backdrop of a steadily increasing consumption of medicinal products, the TAB has published a detailed report on »Pharmaceutical residues in drinking water and water bodies«.

More17.01.2020 | Publication
Themenkurzprofile 35-40From »Dark Patterns« to »Labour Tech« to »Beyond Big Data«

Five new topic briefs from horizon scanning provide condensed information on current scientific and technological trends and socio-economic developments at early stages of development that are highly relevant to technology assessment.

More08.01.2020 | Publication
cover Monitoring the status quo and developments of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis in GermanyMonitoring the status quo and developments of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis in Germany

TAB's policy brief TAB-Fokus no. 21, which is now available in English features the key findings of the monitoring project.

More03.12.2019 | Publication
Cover activity report 2018Activity report 2018

The compact review of our activities and investigation results is available online.

More26.11.2019 | Publication
cover TAB-Fokus no. 20: Climate neutral traffic due to algae-basted fuelsClimate-neutral truck traffic due to algae fuels?

Policy brief TAB-Fokus no. 20 on 3rd generation algae-based biofuels provides a quick overview of the topic – from the production of algae-based biomass and fuels to their potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in transport and approaches to the further use of algae.

More02.10.2019 | Publication
cover TAB-sensor health appsHow health apps are used and evaluated

New TAB-Sensor illustrates the results of a nationwide representative survey on the benefits of health apps and on possible fields of action from the point of view of the population.

More26.09.2019 | Publication
visualisation TAB im FoyerTAB im Foyer - Future technologies in focus

The event on 25.09.2019 in the foyer of the Paul-Löbe-Haus provided an opportunity for numerous members of the Bundestag and their staff to engage in conversation.

More26.09.2019 | Event
TAB letter magazine 51Diverse insights into the work programme of TAB

The new TAB-Brief presents, among other things, the new TA projects adopted by the German Bundestag and the latest topic briefs from Horizon Scanning.

More26.06.2019 | TAB-Brief
cover TAB-Fokus Virtual and augmented reality vr ar Let's talk about virtual and augmented realities

Applications of virtual reality and augmented reality have become increasingly important in many private and professional contexts in recent years. Policy brief TAB-Fokus no. 19 »Virtual and augmented reality« provides a quick overview of development paths, application potential and technological implications as well as policy options and research needs in the field.

More25.06.2019 | Publication
cover tab-fokus status quo and developments of prenatal diagnosisPrenatal genetic diagnosis comprehensively considered

The new policy brief TAB-Fokus provides information on the »Status quo and developments of prenatal diagnosis«  in the run-up to the upcoming decision on the future of prenatal diagonosis in Germany

More28.05.2019 | Publication
Committe meeting with TABNew TAB projects

The Bundestag has adopted TAB's work programme for 2019/2020. In preparation, TAB has commented on almost 50 research proposals from the Bundestag committees and parliamentary groups.

Mehr14.05.2019 | TAB
cover TAB Fokus 18 Health appsHealth apps on the test bench

New health apps appear on the market almost daily. Policy brief TAB-Fokus no. 18 »Health apps« provides a quick overview of the topic and related trends as well as options for action.

Mehr13.03.2019 | Publication
Expert discussion on robotics in care  in German Parliament Documentation of the expert discussion on robotics in the care sector

The summaries of the experts' contributions and the video recording of the TAB event are now available.

More26.02.2019 | Event
horizon scanning logoFrom »Air Taxis« to »Cryptocurrencies« to »Quantum Computers«

Six new topic briefs from Horizon scanning provide condensed information on current scientific and technological trends and socio-economic developments at early stages of development that are highly relevant to technology assessment.

More29.01.2019 | Publication
robotics in nursingPublic expert discussion on robotics in care

On 20 February 2019, the German Bundestag hosted an expert dialogue on robotics in care and the associated societal challenges.

More12.12.2018 | Event
cover tab-brief 49New TAB-Brief explores expectations of TA in the 19th German Bundestag

Furthermore our news magazine TAB-Brief provides an overview of project results and informs about the work programme.

More10.12.2018 | TAB-Brief
Rocket takes off towards spaceRacing into a new space era?

A new TAB project provides an overview of developments and perspectives in German space research and industry, particularly against the background of current innovations and start-up dynamics.

More16.11.2018 | Project
Cover Sensor 1How young people rate personalized online media

The new publication series »TAB-Sensor« presents societal perceptions, evaluations and views on scientific and technological change.

More18.09.2018 | Publication
Cover AB 177 robotics in the care sectorCan robots contribute to good care?

Policy brief TAB-Fokus no. 17 »Robots in the care sector - challenges for society« provides a quick overview of the topic as well as options for action.  The underlying TAB Working Report pays special attention to the clarification of normative questions and the possibilities for the prospective design of technology development.

More26.06.2018 | Publication
kw52_kuppel_bildBundestag commissions TAB for another 5 years

The Committee for Education, Research and Technology Assessment of the German Bundestag has unanimously decided to continue to trust the KIT Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis with the operation of TAB until 2023.

More06.06.2018 | TAB
Cover Working report 2016/17Presentation of TAB in the new Bundestag

TAB presented tasks, working methods and results in the Committee for Education, Research and Technology Assessment.

More23.02.2018 | TAB | Publication
Scales against the background of a computer chipOn the road to automated legal advice?

The newly launched TA study analyses the field of algorithmic legal advice and explores the need for political action.

More12.02.2018 | Project
cover book online-buergerbetiligungOnline citizen participation in parliamentary work

In the newly published book »Online-Bürgerbeteiligung an der Parlamentsarbeit« (Online Citizen Participation in Parliamentary Work), five services of the German Bundestag are examined and options for further development are discussed.

More09.02.2018 | Publication
ep-logoTAB report »Balance of summer time« Basis for a study by the EU Parliament and submission to the EU Commission

On 08.02.2018, the EU Parliament called on the EU Commission to carry out a thorough evaluation of the regulation on so-called summer time and, if necessary, to submit a proposal for amendment.

More08.02.2018 | TAB
Cover TAB-Fokus Online citizen participation in parliamentary workOnline citizen participation in parliamentary work

TAB report discusses the experiences of the German Bundestag with its different participation offers and identifies conditions and options for the future organisation of online citizen participation. Policy brief in English available.

More20.11.2017 | Publication
Twitterfeed-@TABundestagTAB now also on Twitter

Good morning 19. #Bundestag!

More08.11.2017 | TAB
logo Horizon scanningBeyond the horizon

New publication series provides important impulses for TA(B) studies of tomorrow via brief topic briefs from our »Horizon scanning«

More27.09.2017 | Publication
Cover Social bots - the potential opinion makersSocial bots - the potential opinion makers

What influence can social bots have on political opinion formation? What is technically feasible today? How can social bots be identified and should they be prevented? Policy brief TAB-Fokus no. 16 is now available in English.

More12.09.2017 | Publication
Cover TAB-Fokus Additive manufacturing (3D printing)Additive manufacturing (3D printing)

The TAB report no. 175 analyses the application potentials and possible economic and social impacts of industrial additive manufacturing technologies and 3D printers for private users – English policy brief available.

More22.08.2017 | Publication
Cover TAB-Fokus 11 New medicines for neglected diseasesNew medicines for neglected and poverty-related diseases

TAB report no. 170 presents various practical initiatives to strengthen product development and discusses political options for promoting engagement in this field. English summary of the report and policy brief are available.

More13.06.2017 | Publication
cover Load following capability of German nuclear power plantsLoad following capability of German nuclear power plants

The TAB Background paper no. 21 discusses the key question how flexibly nuclear power plants can be operated and if their operation complies with a high share of fluctuating electricity feed from renewable energies – English summary now available.

More05.05.2017 | Publication
cover The Future of Labour in the Digital EraThe Future of Labour in the Digital Era

This is the key question of the report »The Future of Labour in the Digital Era. Ubiquitous Computing, Virtual Platforms, and Real-time Production«, which TAB has published in cooperation with 17 member institutions of the European Parliamentary Technology Assessment Network (EPTA).

More16.12.2016 | Publication
cover digital media in educationDigital media in education

The TAB report no. 171 analyses the potentials and possible applications of digital media in the different areas of education – impacts, challenges and research needs regarding schools, the dual system, and tertiary education are identified – English policy brief available.

More09.06.2016 | Publication
cover New electronic media and addictive behaviourNew electronic media and addictive behaviour

The TAB report no. 166 analyzes current scientific findings and experience in the area of »new electronic media and addictive behaviour – risks, prevention and coping strategies« – English policy brief now available.

More30.05.2016 | Publication
cover assessment daylight saving timeAssessment of daylight saving time

For TAB report no. 165, the scientific findings and experience regarding daylight saving time existing so far have been examined and presented in a general overview - English policy brief now available.

More17.03.2016 | Publication
plenum_teaser_sitzungsverlauf_bildNew TAB projects and plenary debate on 25 years of technology assessment

By the end of 2015, the Office for Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag (TAB) has been commissioned by the Committee on Education, Research and Technology Assessment (ABFTA) to implement six new projects.

More19.02.2016 | TAB
cover Fokus synthetic biologySynthetic biology – The next phase of biotechnology and genetic engineering

TAB report no. 164 investigates state of the art and future implications of synthetic biology - English summary of main results now available

More21.12.2015 | Publication
logo PaciTAReview: International conference »The Next Horizon of TA«

The final conference of the EU project »Parliaments and Civil Society in Technology Assessment« (PACITA) took place in Berlin from 25 to 27 February 2015.

More10.03.2015 | Event
News-Teaser-tab-logoNew topics for the TAB

The German Bundestag has approved the new TAB work programme for 2014/2015

More02.07.2014 | TAB
TAB Logo internationalTAB enhances international visibility of selected studies

With the publication of another TAB report in English - »Electronic petitioning and modernization of petitioning systems in Europe« - all titles of the English TAB book series are now also available worldwide as Book-on-Demand.

More12.05.2014 | Publication
TAB-Fokus FernerkundungWe can be brief - the most important TAB results on 4 pages

The first two issues of TAB-Fokus cover the most recently published work reports on remote sensing and modern postal services.

More15.04.2014 | Publication
News-Teaser-tab-logoLaunch of working period 2013 to 2018

TAB's new contract period brings new cooperation partners, additional analysis concepts and new forms of reporting and communication.

More29.08.2013 | TAB
cover ab 155 Nachhaltikgeit und ParlamenteNachhaltigkeit und Parlamente - Bilanz und Perspektiven Rio +20

TAB Working Report No. 155 offers options for action to further improve the integration of the guiding principle of sustainable development into the political processes of the German Bundestag.

Mehr09.07.2013 | Publikation
cover epta bookletEPTA members present themselves - EPTA booklet published

The EPTA network has compiled a brochure in which its members who carry out technology assessment for the respective parliaments in Europe introduce themselves.

More18.06.2013 | Publication
cover report e-mobilityConcepts of electromobility and their significance for the economy, society and the environment

TAB Working Report No. 153 analyses the ecological, economic and social aspects of electromobility for Germany, discusses funding strategies and identifies options for action.

Mehr05.06.2013 | Publication
coverThe pharmacologically improved human

The book version of the TAB report on »Pharmacological Interventions for Performance Enhancement as a Societal Challenge« is now available in English translation.

More03.04.2013 | Publication
TAB LogoGerman Parliament continues to bank on the advice of TAB

Committee for Education, Research and Technology Assessment unanimously decides on further cooperation with KIT/ITAS.

More08.03.2013 | TAB
EPTA logoEPTA network as guest in Barcelona

The annual conference was hosted by the Catalan Parliament's Science and Technology Advisory Board (CAPCIT), which held the EPTA presidency in 2012.

More05.12.2012 | Event
cover Electronic petioning and modernization of petitioning systems in europeTAB working report on »E-petitions« in Europe

The E-petition platform of the German Bundestag is well received by citizens.

More01.02.2012 | Publication
epta konferenz präsidentschaft tabSuccessful conclusion of the German EPTA Presidency 2011

The TAB and the Committee on Education, Research and Technology Assessment (ABFTA) of the German Bundestag jointly hosted this year's EPTA Council on 19 and 20 October as part of the German EPTA Presidency and organised a high-level international conference.

Mehr26.10.2011 | Event
bericht welternährung forschungWorld Food

TAB report analyses variables influencing the world food situation as promising starting points for research.

More15.07.2011 | Publication
epta präsidentschaft konferenz berlinEPTA Conference 2011 in Berlin

On October 20, 2011, renowned representatives of science and politics will discuss on »Hope-, Hype- and Fear-Technologies – the Role of Science and Politics«.

More12.07.2011 | EP TA EVENT
fachgespräch stromausfall bundestagA large-scale and prolonged power blackout: a national disaster

In a public expert discussion, the results of the TAB project »Hazards and vulnerability in modern societies – using the example of a large-scale outage in the electricity supply« will be presented and discussed with experts and the interested public.

Mehr12.05.2011 | Publication
bericht fortpflanzungsmedizin reproduktionsmedizinReproductive Medicine

TAB report analyses the national and international framework conditions, the scientific and technical progress as well as the intended and unintended consequences of assisted reproductive technology.

More23.02.2011 | Publication
Petri dishReproductive medicine - issue discussed in the Committee on Education, Research and Technology Assessment

TAB presents project results on reproductive medicine in a public meeting of the Committee on Education, Research and Technology Assessment

More11.11.2010 | Event
festveranstaltung tab lammertTwo decades of TAB - celebration in Parliament

Review and outlook on the occasion of the successful commemorative event »20 years of scientific policy advice - technology assessment at the German Bundestag«.

More06.10.2010 | Event
ubiquitäres computing, iotOn the way to the internet of things

A TAB report on »Ubiquitous Computing« has been published as volume 31 of the "Studies of the Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag". English summary available.

More21.04.2010 | Publication
tab bundestagTAB at Parliament

TAB has presented itself to the Committee on Education, Research and Technology Assessment

More25.02.2010 | TAB
technologien behinderung alltag beruf buchTechnologies in the context of disability

Building blocks for participation in everyday and professional life

More10.02.2010 | Publication
tab-brief 20 jahre tab bundestag beratung jubiläum20th anniversary of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of TAB the new TAB-Newsletter is dedicated to parliamentary technology assessment. On October 27 2009 the 17th German Bundestag constituted itself, Committees and other parliamentary bodies have resumed work mostly in altered composition comprising numerous new Members of Parliament. This situation coincides with the 20th anniversary of TAB this year. Therefore the TAB-Newsletter is devised slightly different than usual.

More20.01.2010 | TAB-Brief