From »Dark Patterns« to »Labour Tech« to »Beyond Big Data«

Five new topic briefs from Horizon Scanning provide condensed information on current scientific and technological trends and socio-economic developments in early stages.
Cover Themenkurzprofile, dark patterns, beyond big data, labour tech, holzbau, digitale lebensgefähren

The selection is the result of the sixth wave of Horizon Scanning from May to October 2019.

The topic briefs of this research cycle are based on a collection of teasers, from which the following 5 topics were selected after extensive discussion in the TAB team based on their relevance in the societal discourse and with regard to potential legislative needs for action:

The individual topic briefs (only in German) are 7 to 9 pages in length and provide a concise overview of the state of scientific-technical as well as socio-economic development and its relevance for politics and society. They conclude with a description of possible in-depth-analyses and contain a detailed list of sources. The topic briefs provide impulses for the TAB topic identification process of the parliamentary groups and committees and can be used as sources of information for everyday parliamentary work.

Horizon scanning has been carried out at TAB since 2014. All 34 topic briefs published so far can be found here.
