Activity report 2018

The compact review of our activities and investigation results is available online.
TAB, Tätigkeitsbericht 2018, Arbeitsbericht Nr. 189
The TAB in 2018

With the activity report 2018, TAB returns to the annual brief reporting on activities and investigation results. The report sums up the new set-up of the operating consortium after the successful re-acquisition of the contract to operate TAB for the years 2018 to 2023. The further development of the advisory services and formats in the field of horizon scanning, in the involvement of societal stakeholders and in increasing the public visibility of TA in the German Bundestag is described. The core task of TAB - the implementation of TA projects, innovation analyses, monitoring projects as well as TA short studies - is documented by short profiles of 14 topics that were completed or continued in 2018. An outline of TAB activities in the EPTA network, a list of publications and a brief introduction of the consortium partners round off the brochure.

In view of the change in demand and usage patterns, we have decided not to publish the activity report in print, so it is only available online.


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