Strengthening the resilience of society, politics and the economy by means of crisis prediction - lessons from the Corona crisis (only in German)
Type of event:
Public expert discussion
Venue:Deutscher BundestagPlatz der Republik 1, 11011 BerlinMarie-Elisabeth-Lüders-Haus, Anhörungssaal 3 101
TAB and Committee for Education, Research and Technology Assessment of the German Bundestag
15.00 bis 17.00
Event documentation on (only in German). Recording on the YouTube Channel "Deutersch Bundestag" (with autogenerated subtitles)
- Links:

What was it about?
Whether corona pandemic, climate change, social and international conflicts, financial and economic crises, (cyber) terrorism or impending resource scarcity: in a world of increasing interdependencies and interdependencies, societies, but also parliaments and governments, face an unprecedented variety of challenges. The TAB project "Crisis Radar - Strengthening the Resilience of Society, Politics and the Economy through Crisis Forecasting" investigates how a continuous anticipatory crisis radar would have to be designed and institutionally anchored in order to enable early or timely crisis and risk management.
One focus of the TAB project's work to date has been aimed at reviewing the experience with early warning systems in the current corona pandemic. There are a number of different early warning systems, both at the national and international level, operated by the WHO and the EU, by individual governments, by research institutions or by globally active companies. In addition to operational indicator-based systems, strategically oriented systems are used. In some cases, the early warning systems are integratively linked with each other and are intended to identify potential hazards, threats and risks at an early stage by means of different objectives, procedures and technologies. Digitalization offers new opportunities for more effective collection, evaluation and modeling procedures for early warning.
The IZT - Institute for Futures Studies and Technology Assessment as a consortium partner of the Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag (TAB) is leading the TAB project on crisis radar. In the public expert discussion, the interim results of the project in connection with the review of experiences with early warning systems in the current corona pandemic were presented and discussed together with scientific and political experts.
The following questions guided the discussion:
- What lessons for early threat detection can be drawn from the corona pandemic experience?
- How should an early warning system for pandemics be designed to enable early crisis and risk management?
- What lessons and needs for action can be drawn from the corona pandemic for the early detection of other potential systemic crises?
3.00 p.m. |
Moderation of the expert discussion
3.10 p.m. |
Keynote speech "Lessons Learnt Corona
3.20 p.m. |
TAB-Project Crisis Radar: Reallabor Corona - Experiences with early warning systems in the current pandemic crisis
3.40 p.m. |
Statements of the rapporteurs TA
4:00 p.m. |
Impulses for effective early warning systems
4:15 p.m. | New perspectives for early detection of future threats and potential crises Discussion with experts, participants of the TAB project and members of the German Bundestag |
4:55 p.m. |
Summary of the discussion |
5.00 p.m. | End of the event |
Programm (PDF, only in German)
The expert discussion was broadcasted on parliamentary television.
Information on the project:
Crisis radar - Strengthening the resilience of society, politics and the economy by means of crisis prediction