TA in dialogue: Sustainable water management in agriculture
Type of event:
Impulsvorträge und Podiumsdiskussion
Paul-Löbe-Haus, Sitzungssaal E 400
TAB und Ausschuss für Bildung, Forschung und Technikfolgenabschätzung des Deutschen Bundestages
15.00 - 17.00 Uhr
The expert discussion was broadcast live on parliamentary television and is available as a recording below, on the documentation page or on the German Bundestag's YouTube channel.
Sustainable water management in agriculture
What was it all about?
In a time of numerous crises and uncertainties, the radar and orientation function of parliamentary technology assessment is becoming increasingly important. For this reason, the TAB has expanded its foresight activities: In addition to the already established horizon scanning, a resilience radar has been introduced which, together with an in-depth resilience check, assesses the resilience of selected infrastructure systems.
This year, the focus of the resilience check is on water management in agriculture. In the face of climate change, increasing droughts and unevenly distributed rainfall in Germany, agriculture must find new ways to deal with the changing conditions. Efficient irrigation techniques, new forms of cultivation and closed production systems offer promising approaches to make better use of water resources and make agriculture more resilient.
As part of the public discussion event "TA in Dialogue", the interim results of this year's Resilience Check were presented by the project team of the Institute for Futures Studies and Technology Assessment (IZT) and discussed together with experts from the scientific community, members of the German Bundestag and other social actors.
The following questions guided the discussion:
- How does climate change affect water supply in agriculture and what specific risks does it pose?
- To what extent can new forms of cultivation, closed production systems and innovative irrigation techniques increase the resilience of agriculture, and what long-term potential do they offer?
- What political and legal framework conditions are required to ensure a sustainable water supply in agriculture, and what governance structures are necessary for this?
3.00 p.m. |
Welcome address
15.10 hrs | Keynote speech "Influence of climate change on water availability and water demand"
3.20 pm |
Resilience Check 2024: Water management in agriculture Overview and theses on strengthening the resilience of water supply,
Potentials of possible development paths
3:40 p.m. |
Statements by the rapporteur TA
4:00 p.m. |
Panel discussion and questions from the audience Discussion with experts, participants in the TAB project and members of the German Bundestag
Questions from the audience: on site and online via adhocracy+ |
16.55 hrs | Summary of the discussion and farewell |
17.00 hrs | End of the event |
The expert discussion was broadcast live on parliamentary television and is available on the documentation page or on the German Bundestag's YouTube channel.