Shaping tomorrow's digital society
Politics and Science in dialogue.
Together with significant improvements of convenience, quality of life, welfare and prosperity digital technologies also bring a lot of questions for society and policy to address: How do we deal with each other in the new digital world? Do we control the digital world, or are we controlled by it? Who owns the data that is collected about us? How is privacy, data safety and security maintained? How can we deal with the threats that fake news and disinformation pose to public discourse and the functioning of democracy? How can the internet as a critical infrastructure be designed to be resilient to technical failures or malevolent actors?
On the occasion of the handover of the EPTA* presidency from the Netherlands to Germany, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Berlin invites together with the EPTA members Rathenau Institute and TAB to a reception and dialogue with Members of Parliament to find some answers on the above mentioned questions.
A broader public can follow the event via livestream on the Youtube-Channel of ITAS | Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis.
Programme (PDF, in German and Englisch)
7:00 p.m. Welcome by H.E. the Ambassador Ronald van Roeden, greetings from the Chairman of the Committee for Education, Research and Technology Assessment, Kai Gehring
7:15 p.m. Symbolic handover of the EPTA Presidency from the Netherlands to Germany
7:30 p.m. Politics and science in dialogue. "Shaping the digital society of tomorrow"
Impulse: Mariëtte van Huijstee (Rathenau Institute), Prof. Dr. Armin Grunwald (Director of the TAB)
Moderated dialogue with the rapporteurs for technology assessment of the parliamentary groups: Laura Kraft (Bündnis90/Die Grünen), Prof. Dr. Stephan Seiter (FDP), Prof. Dr. Michael Kaufmann (AfD), Ralph Lenkert (Die Linke) and the audience
* EPTA is the European network for institutions involved in parliamentary technology assessment. The 25 members of EPTA advise their respective parliaments on the possible social, economic and environmental impacts of scientific and technological innovations.
Update: Event review (in German / in English)
TAB und Rathenau Instituut
Botschaft des Königreichs der Niederlande
Klosterstraße 50,
10179 Berlin
E-Mail: wiko ∂ de

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